Our Products
Silo Guard II
Product Overview: Silo Guard is the new way to treat all your silages and baled hay. Silo Guard is not an inoculant or acid. Silo Guard uses a patented combination of sulfur compounds and enzymes to promote the healthy fermentation of silage. Silo Guard makes baled hay greener and more nutritious, while allowing hay to be baled up to 25% moisture.
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Hay Guard
Product Overview: Hay Guard is the new way to treat hay. No acid. No bacteria. Hay Guard allows hay producers and contractors to bale their hay up to 25% moisture. This allows for greener and more nutritious hay.
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Ration Guard
Product Overview: Ration Guard can keep TMRs cool for up to 24 hours. Cooler TMRs means more intake which means more milk, more beef! No fumes, no foul odor, makes Ration Guard easy to work with and easy to use.
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Tox Guard
Product Overview: A safe and non-toxic alternative to propionic acid for use in feed. Tox Guard works as a powerful mold inhibitor at half the application rate of prop acid. No fumes, no smell, no worker safety issues!!
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Product Overview: Eureka™ A Natural Fermentation Aid is OMRI listed and a product proven to work on organic baled hay. Eureka™ is the natural way to ferment your organic silages and keep all the nutrients and energy in your cows.
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Gazeeka Moisture Meter
Product Overview: Finally a moisture meter that gives accurate, reliable results!! The Gazeeka 870 uses microwave technology to accurately measure the moisture of hay. Far more accurate and reliable than stick probes or in-chamber probes, the Gazeeka even spray paints the bale so you know where the moisture is.
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